- 21st Century Teaching Strategies
- Basal Alignment Project
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Common Core Standards Support
- Cool videos on best practices in classroom
- Edutopia
- National Board Professional Teaching Standards
- NC Department of Public Instruction
- NC Healthy Schools
- NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey
- NC Virtual Public School
- NEA Online Professional Development Resource
- NEA website
- North Carolina General Assembly
- Online school directory
- Professional Development Courses AKA NCFALCON
- Regional Licensure Centers
- Resources for 21st Century Lesson Ideas
- Resources for safer schools
- Response to Instruction Support
- Scheduling tool
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- Student Loan Guidance
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We value equal access to a quality public education that is adequately and equitably funded. We value a just society that respects the worth, dignity and equality of every individual. We value an informed membership that works collectively to advance and protect the rights, benefits and interests of education professionals and promote quality public education. We value partnerships with parents, families and communities, as well as coalitions with other stakeholders because they are essential to quality public education and student success. We value the expertise and judgment of educational professionals and believe it is critical for student success. We maintain the highest professional standards and expect the status, compensation and respect due all professionals. We value a collaborative community of members and staff who share the responsibility of achieving NCAE’s goals.
To be the voice of educators in North Carolina that unites, organizes and empowers members to be advocates for education professionals, public education and children.
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